VIE Selo, 1983, (Vietnã/Ásia), (Mint), Yt:VN 408, Reptiles. Chameleons. Eastern Beared Dragon (Amphibolurus barbatus).
R$ 5,10
VIE Selo, 1983, (Vietnã/Ásia), (Mint), Yt:VN 408, Reptiles. Chameleons. Eastern Beared Dragon (Amphibolurus barbatus). quantidade
R$ 5,10
HUN Selo, 1983, (Mint), Yt:HU 2865, World Wildlife Fund - Birds of Prey, Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca).
R$ 4,00
HUN Selo, 1983, (Mint), Yt:HU 2865, World Wildlife Fund - Birds of Prey, Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). quantidade
R$ 8,00
AZE Selo, 1994, (Azerbaijão/Ásia), (Mint), Yt:AZ 168, Birds of Prey. Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca).
R$ 4,10
AZE Selo, 1994, (Azerbaijão/Ásia), (Mint), Yt:AZ 168, Birds of Prey. Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca). quantidade
R$ 4,10
HUN Selo, 1951, (N), Yt:HU 994, Labour Day, March to the Heroes' Square.
R$ 3,40
HUN Selo, 1951, (N), Yt:HU 994, Labour Day, March to the Heroes' Square. quantidade
R$ 3,40
GER (BRD) Selo, (Alemanha/Europa), 1990, (N), Yt:DE 1291, The 100th Anniversary of the First of May Celebration, Labour day.
R$ 4,00
GER (BRD) Selo, (Alemanha/Europa), 1990, (N), Yt:DE 1291, The 100th Anniversary of the First of May Celebration, Labour day. quantidade
R$ 4,00
POL Selo, 1981, (N), Yt:PL 2589, The 100th Anniversary of the Polish Labour Movement, M.Fornalskai.
R$ 3,90
POL Selo, 1981, (N), Yt:PL 2589, The 100th Anniversary of the Polish Labour Movement, M.Fornalskai. quantidade
R$ 3,90
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