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Br-Selo, 1994, C-1888 (RHM), (Mint), Primeiro Aniversário da Morte de Albert Sabin, Combate Contra Pólio , 1906-1993. |
R$3,50 |
R$3,50 |
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USA Selo, (Estados Unidos/América do Norte), 1927, (U), Yt:US PA10, Lindbergh's plane "Spirit of St. Louis" and Flight Route. |
R$3,40 |
R$3,40 |
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RWA Moeda, (Ruanda/África), 1985, (AU) 1 Franc (Un). Anverso: 2nd Coat of arms. Verso: With incuse motto. Liberté, Cooperation, Progrès. |
R$15,90 |
R$15,90 |
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USA Selo Aéreo, (Estados Unidos/América do Norte), 1976, (U), Yt:US PA84, US Airmail, Plane, Globes & Flags. |
R$3,50 |
R$3,50 |
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POL Selo, 1978, (U), Yt:PL PA58, Modern Airflight, Plane over Warsaw castle. |
R$3,40 |
R$3,40 |
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CUB Selo, 2003, (Cuba/América Central), (Mint), Yt:CU 4119, Worldwide Conservation - The Cuban Crocodile. (Crocodylus rhombifer). |
R$4,60 |
R$4,60 |