Br-Selo, 1992, C-1820 (RHM), (Mint), Literatura Brasileira - Dia do Livro, Centenário do Nascimento de Paulo Menotti Del Picchia, Escritor (1892-1988).
R$ 2,70
Br-Selo, 1992, C-1820 (RHM), (Mint), Literatura Brasileira - Dia do Livro, Centenário do Nascimento de Paulo Menotti Del Picchia, Escritor (1892-1988). quantidade
R$ 2,70
HUN Selo, 1949, Definitivo/Regular, (N), Yt:HU 923. The 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Joseph Stalin, 1879-1953, Josif W. Stalin (1879-1953) revolutionary & politician.
R$ 4,00
HUN Selo, 1949, Definitivo/Regular, (N), Yt:HU 923. The 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Joseph Stalin, 1879-1953, Josif W. Stalin (1879-1953) revolutionary & politician. quantidade
R$ 4,00
HUN Selo, 1949, (N), Yt:HU 921. The 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Joseph Stalin, 1879-1953, Josif W. Stalin (1879-1953) revolutionary & politician.
R$ 3,00
HUN Selo, 1949, (N), Yt:HU 921. The 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Joseph Stalin, 1879-1953, Josif W. Stalin (1879-1953) revolutionary & politician. quantidade
R$ 3,00
IUG Selo, 1962, (U), The 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980).
R$ 3,20
IUG Selo, 1962, (U), The 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980). quantidade
R$ 3,20
RUS Selo, 1978, (Mint), Yt:SU 4496, Soviet-Polish Space Flight.
R$ 3,50
RUS Selo, 1978, (Mint), Yt:SU 4496, Soviet-Polish Space Flight. quantidade
R$ 3,50
RUS Selo, 1978, (Mint), Yt:SU 4531, The 70th Anniversary of Feat of Russian Sailors in Messina.
R$ 3,70
RUS Selo, 1978, (Mint), Yt:SU 4531, The 70th Anniversary of Feat of Russian Sailors in Messina. quantidade
R$ 3,70
CZE Selo, (República/Tcheca), 1978, (N), Yt:CS 2266, The 70th Anniversary of Bandy Hockey, Hockey.
R$ 3,20
CZE Selo, (República/Tcheca), 1978, (N), Yt:CS 2266, The 70th Anniversary of Bandy Hockey, Hockey. quantidade
R$ 3,20
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